Teacher Intern application form

* — indicates mandatory fields.

Russian citizens, who wish to apply, should answer all questions, that are applicable, and put N/A where the answer is not applicable, for example, "Have you ever visited Russia?"

I am applying for a position as a Teacher Intern

A. Personal Details

About you
First name*
Middle name
Date of birth*
City of birth*
Country of birth*
Nationality at birth*
Native Language*
Second language
Third language
Current contact address*
Alternate E-mail
Postal code
Telephone number
Do you hold a valid Passport?*
Expiry date
If yes, complete this section

Internship training programme starts either in August or January. You need to be available from the beginning of the programme. Dates are announced on the website. We regret we cannot accept unqualified teachers at other times during the year

Date available from
Preferred posting (first choice)
Preferred posting (second choice):
I am prepared to be flexible*:
If NO, specify why:
What is your main teaching language? please select from the following:
EncumbrancesAll questions must be answered
Do you know of any reason that might make it difficult for you to fulfill a 9-month contract (e.g. family obligations/illness)
Do you have any medical conditions that require medication or periodic medical care?*:
Have you ever been convicted of a felony, or a misdemeanor, involving any violent act, use or possession of a weapon or act of dishonesty for which the record has not been sealed or expunged?*:
If 'yes' to either question, please explain in the space provided below.
If 'yes', please explain in the space provided below.
Do you have any specific requirements for your place of work and/or working conditions (e.g. building access, travel time etc.)
If yes, please explain in the space provided below We do not discriminate against disability, religion or any other factor. The information is important to determine the best placement, scheduling and other arrangements.

B. Educational Details

Highest Academic Qualification*
Graduation Date
Other academic Qualification*
Graduation Date
Other Professional Qualifications

C. Extracurricular Profile

Have you ever taught classes or individual lessons (individual tutoring)? In what capacity and for how long? Please give as much information as possible.*
Have you been recognized for good performance in any organization you have participated in (consider jobs, volunteer work, academic excellence, etc.)?*
Have you ever worked with children or young people other than that which you may have described above; e.g. volunteer capacity, coaching? paid or unpaid?*
Describe any organizations and activities you have been engaged in (sports teams, community service, etc).*
Do you have any other experience you would like us to know about which may be relevant to you application?*

D. Personal Profile

Describe yourself using three adjectives and explain why you chose them.*
Describe your interests and hobbies and whether you expect to be able to engage in these activities if offered employment in Russia.*
State how you believe a term of employment in Russia will help with your future plans.*
Have you ever lived/ worked abroad for more than three months?*
Country/ City
Add country
Have you ever visited Russia?*
If yes, please provide us with dates, purpose of visit(s) and place visited.
If accepted for employment, what do you anticipate will be the most challenging aspect of living and working in Russia for you personally?*

E. Professional Experience

Please list your last two employers outside of EFL and dates of employment (if applicable).

Have you ever held either full-time or part-time employment?* If yes, please complete this section listing your last employer first. If 'no', please go directly to Section F
Add Employer

F. Professional and Academic References

For applicants without relevant teaching experience, please provide the names and contact information of two referees who have known you in either a professional or academic capacity*

NB. For ease and efficiency of communication, e-mail addresses are preferable.

Name Referee No. 1 *
Telephone number
Name Referee No. 2 *
Telephone number

I. Declaration

I understand that if I am selected for the Language Link Teacher Intern Programme, I will be seen as both a representative of Language Link and as a representative of my country. My intention is to act as a goodwill ambassador and to conduct myself in a fitting manner. I have read the Programme Guidelines as set out below and agree to abide by them for the duration of my training programme and professional employment with Language Link.

Programme Guidelines:

1. Teacher Interns are expected to be sensitive to the host culture, conduct themselves in a proper and reasonable manner and observe local laws, rules and conventions.

2. Teacher Interns undertake to maintain a good standard of work and behave responsibly in their work experience, training and accommodation. "Training" includes work required for the Language Link Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language.

3. Teacher Interns may not participate in political activities or impose their political or religious beliefs on their students. Interest in and learning about the various institutions and the political and economic environment in Russia is natural, however political or religious activism is prohibited.*

H. Where You Heard About Us

Where did you find out about this Language Link Job Opportunity?* Please check all applicable fields

I. Declaration

I declare that I have not knowingly made any false statements in this application form. I understand that the giving of false information may result in my expulsion from the Language Link programme.*