* — indicates mandatory fields.
Russian citizens, who wish to apply, should answer all questions, that are applicable, and put N/A where the answer is not applicable, for example, "Have you ever visited Russia?"
I am applying for a position as a Teacher Intern
I. Declaration
I understand that if I am selected for the Language Link Teacher Intern Programme, I will be seen as both a representative of Language Link and as a representative of my country. My intention is to act as a goodwill ambassador and to conduct myself in a fitting manner. I have read the Programme Guidelines as set out below and agree to abide by them for the duration of my training programme and professional employment with Language Link.
Programme Guidelines:
1. Teacher Interns are expected to be sensitive to the host culture, conduct themselves in a proper and reasonable manner and observe local laws, rules and conventions.
2. Teacher Interns undertake to maintain a good standard of work and behave responsibly in their work experience, training and accommodation. "Training" includes work required for the Language Link Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language.
3. Teacher Interns may not participate in political activities or
impose their political or religious beliefs on their students. Interest
in and learning about the various institutions and the political and
economic environment in Russia is natural, however political or
religious activism is prohibited.*