Similar to the ideas given in the newspaper section, the class can compile their own magazine. The following ideas should be useful:
- Students brainstorm all the sections expected to be found in a good teenage magazine.
- Teacher presents the students with an assortment of popular magazines. The students must then try to find the sections that they came up with during the brainstorm. Teacher asks students to note other sections that they find.
- The students then look at the list of contents they have put together. Each student must then choose one or two items that they will be responsible for providing ex. fashion, music, video games, films, sports, life as a teenager, famous people, current affairs that would interest youngsters, etc.
- Students should then select an editor and graphic designer.
- The Students should think of a title for their magazine, you may want to have a class vote for this. Look at words that are popular with teenagers, e.g Class! Cool! Excellent! Wow! Crazy! Neat! Awesome! Wicked! Kickin'! Top! Ace! Evil!
- The magazine can be based totally around one theme, e.g. Moscow, your school, England or America (using only their news, famous people, etc.)
- The magazine could be based on a class reader, this may be more suitable for a newspaper format.
- Voodoo Island - a local newspaper with reports of strange happenings, property advertisements, voodoo club meetings, etc.
- For 'Phantom of the Opera' a magazine could be compiled that reflects that period of history - fashion pages, entertainment pages, etc…
Ideas for adapting published magazines:
- The students use photo stories, take out the words in speech bubbles and then write their own story. The teacher can give the students the theme to the story based on something they have just been learning. E.g. 'used to' - characters could be at a reunion, discussing things they once did together.
- The teacher cuts up each picture in a photo story and then the students have to arrange into an order that seems logical. These can be with or without the printed dialogue.
- The teacher cuts up the answers and questions from a problems page (advice column), students must then match them up. Alternatively, the teacher can give the students the answers and then they have to write the questions or vice-versa, they receive the question and must supply the answer.